Rolandas Tilindis
Attorney / Partner
Practice Areas
Criminal Law / Administrative Law / Public Administration Law
Professional experience
An attorney with more than 25 years of experience in criminal law and procedure, gained during his practice in the professional law partnership and as an investigator, prosecutor and unit head at the Prosecutor General’s Office, as well as in Eurojust, the European Union’s international legal cooperation institution, where he was a National Member for Lithuania.
In addition to his successful work in high-profile cases, Rolandas participates in the drafting of amendments to criminal laws and in the transposition of EU legislation into Lithuanian law. As an expert of GRECO and UNODC, he assessed the compliance of the national law of individual states with international anti-corruption conventions, led an EU-funded anti-corruption project in Azerbaijan. Currently, Rolandas is a member of the Lithuanian Bar Association Criminal and the Criminal Procedure Law Committee, a legal expert of the international organisation Fair Trials International.
Versatile experience makes Rolandas one of the best experts in criminal proceedings and international legal co-operation. He successfully represents and defends natural persons and legal entities in complicated cross-border cases (pre-trial investigation, extradition, European Arrest Warrant and European Investigation Order, attachment and confiscation of property, execution of applications for legal assistance, etc.). He also consults on the impact assessment of crime risk, on the issues of protection of the rights of individuals in investigations carried out by state institutions.
Rolandas promotes an integrated approach to legal issues and seeks solutions by means of instruments available in other branches of law. That leads to useful compromises, flexible, diversified legal options based on specific circumstances and client’s needs.
Major projects
- Legal study “Analysis and proposals concerning EU powers and potential legal actions against the denial, public tolerance or trivialisation of certain hate crimes” (commissioned by the Ministry of Justice). The study also explored EU powers and potential actions to criminalise such crimes, the relationship between such crimes and the freedom of self-expression, made recommendations regarding amendments of EU legislation. The results of the study were presented in an international conference during the Presidency of Lithuania.
- Defence of an officer during pre-trial investigation and judicial proceedings, from the first to cassation instances, regarding unfounded accusations against the investigator for alleged violence against the persons suspected of theft. The accusations against the officers led to questionable termination of the case of theft investigated by them, the remedies available to the officer were restricted because of the refusal to carry out the actions to confirm his innocence. The officer has been fully acquitted.
- Defence of a client in a complicated and large-scale pre-trial investigation in Lithuania and in the country abroad where the person was located – development of the case law on the enforcement of European Arrest Warrants, the seizure of assets, participation as an expert of law in court proceedings abroad.
- Defence of a person in criminal proceedings regarding falsification in relation to the employer’s participation in administrative and civil proceedings against that same applicant. The person has been fully acquitted in the appeal instance, the appeal in cassation of the applicants has been dismissed, success in related proceedings.
- Defence of a legal entity in two pre-trial investigations and in the hearing of both cases in the courts of all instances. Part of unsubstantiated charges has been revoked, the approach to tax crimes has been upheld before the extended chamber of judges of the Supreme Court of Lithuania, compromise has been achieved regarding the claim by the legal entity against its manager and liability of the manager to the legal entity. The processes of calculation and payment of taxes have been aligned.
- Representation of a natural person regarding the damage caused to a patient by improper dental care services.
- Defence of the manager of a legal entity against groundless suspicions, initiation of the case-file revision at the Prosecutor General’s Office and its transfer to another territorial prosecutor’s office, coordination with related civil proceedings and institution of an independent investigation. Major interests of the client have been defended in all proceedings.
- Representation in a pre-trial investigation regarding an accident at work. Balancing the remedies of the legal entity and the victims, the case has been closed by compromise under surety.
- Defence of a legal entity in pre-trial investigations and at the court of first instance in a complicated case regarding damages to the environment. Arrangements for additional actions and expert examinations leading to a complete acquittal of the legal entity and its manager, the judgment has not been appealed against and has become enforceable. At the same time, the issues of industrial wastewater treatment and taxation according to actual pollution have been analysed./li>
- Protection of an investor’s interests in a dispute regarding the appropriation of a product by application and combination of the measures of criminal and civil law. The dispute has been resolved under the civil procedure.
- Representation of shareholders and defence of the manager of a legal entity in a criminal case which had been groundlessly instituted as a result of the investor’s dispute with the shareholders. Arrangements for an independent expert examination. The judgment of acquittal has become enforceable.
- Defence of a foreign national in pre-trial investigation in Lithuania and against an application for mutual legal assistance of a third country abroad. The proceedings have been terminated, the seizure of assets has been revoked and the assets have been returned to the owners.
- Drafting an application to the European Court of Human Rights. Statement of the application, explanations and claims in ECHR proceedings regarding the restitution of ownership rights and the disproportionate burden on the applicant. The ECHR has held that Lithuania had breached the principle of proportionality between the interests of the public and the applicant.
- Defence of a foreign national against an unlawful seizure of monetary funds and against the pre-trial investigation regarding the monetary funds transferred by foreign bailiffs in the enforcement of a final judgment of the court. After the collection of necessary evidence it was refused to enforce the application of the foreign state due to reasoned doubts concerning the objectivity of the prosecution against this person. The proceedings have been terminated, the funds have been returned to the owner.